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BSB 704-191

Updates to the Centrelink Age Pension

Centrelink assesses the amount of Age Pension you are entitled to receive by two basic means tests, the Income Test and the Assets Test. 

Age Pension age is: 

  • 65 years and 6 months, if you were born between 1 July 1952 and 31 December 1953 

  • 66 years, if you were born between 1 January 1954 and 30 June 1955 

  • 66 years and 6 months, if you were born between 1 July 1955 and 31 December 1956 

  • 67 years, if you were born on or after 1 January 1957 

 Any of the following factors may impact on the amount you may be entitled to: 

  • Change in your circumstances, including sale of your home, purchase of another home, change to your investments; 

  • Change in value of your assets; and  

  • Change in income received (this may include income from pre 2015 income streams). 

Centrelink assumes that some of your financial assets earn a certain amount of income, regardless of the actual income they earn. Centrelink calls this ‘deeming’. Deeming applies to assets defined as ‘financial investments’ such as superannuation capital, bank accounts, managed investments, shares and term deposits. These rates are assessed regularly and changed in accordance with current interest rates.  

You are obliged to update Centrelink with any significant changes to the nature or value of your assets or the income you are receiving to ensure you receive the correct entitlement. Pension Rates are indexed twice a year on 20th March and 20th September.  On 20 March 2024 Centrelink have updated their pension rates to the following maximums (excluding Rent Assistance). 


Per fortnight 


Couple each 

Couple combined 

Maximum basic rate 




Maximum Pension Supplement 




Energy Supplement 









Due to the above mentioned increases, the income and asset test limits have also increased and the potential for eligibility is outlined below.  


Pension income test limits (per fortnight) 

Family situation  

Full pension 

Part pension* 




Couple living together (combined)  



Illness-separated couple (combined)  



 *Pension reduces by 50 cents for every dollar over this threshold for singles, 25 cents for each member of a couple.   


Pension asset test limits

Family situation  

Full pension*  

Part pension cut-out limit  

Single homeowner  



Single non-homeowner  



Couple (combined) homeowner  



Couple (combined) non-homeowner  



*Pension reduces by $3 per fortnight for every $1,000 over this threshold. 


If you wish to review you current circumstances or revisit if eligible for Age Pension feel free to contact the financial planning team or your Financial planner for a review.  


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To find out more about these articles and understand how they may apply to you, contact your financial planner.


Ben HolianBen Holian

Hawthorn East


Anjali SharmaAnjali Sharma

Hawthorn East


Paul PatmanPaul Patman

Moonee Ponds


Steve PerrettSteve Perrett

Hawthorn East

Important information

This information does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, you should firstly consider the appropriateness of the general advice contained in each article considering your own objectives, financial situation or needs.