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BSB 704-191
Concentrated senior woman using laptop while working late in office

Remote Access Scams

Report a scam or fraud

What to do in the event of a scam or fraud

Received a text or call that seemed too good to be true? It usually is.

Legitimate companies will never ask you to reveal passwords or financial information.  Beware of scams and stay updated on national scams by reviewing current scams at

NEVER give any information like SMS One Time Passwords or codes to anyone.

Bank First will NEVER request this information from Members.



Don’t act straight away. Stop and think about what you’re being asked to do. 

Real companies or government agencies won’t pressure you to make payments.



Have a quick look on Google to see if the company or person is real and whether it's the right phone number.

Check to see if anyone else has had similar experiences.



If you’re still unsure, show a family member or friend and ask for their opinion before taking any action.

How to recognise a remote access scam

Remote access scams usually occur through a phone call or email, where a scammer claims they are from a reputable company such as a telecommunications company, energy retailer or even a bank. In this phone call or email, the scammer asks you to download software that provides them remote access to your phone or computer for ‘maintenance’ purposes.

Once a scammer has remote access to your phone or computer, they have full access to your device to download malware such as a keylogger. A keylogger records each key that you press so it can capture confidential information such as Internet Banking login details.

Scammers are coming up with new and creative ways of hijacking your computer and your personal information. Keeping an eye out for the following red flags could help you to determine if what you have received may be a scam.

Scammers might:

  • Call you out of the blue and claim they’re from a well-known business.

  • Even ask you to call them through a random pop-up bubble on your computer.

  • Say there is a problem with your computer or internet connection.

  • Say that you have been overcharged for a product or mistakenly credited money.

  • Use technical language to convince you they are legitimate.

  • Ask you to download an application to your computer to fix a problem.

  • Be very persistent for you to follow their instructions.


How to protect yourself online

As many of us are working remotely, we rely on our computers more and more on a daily basis. It is important to keep up with scam trends and know how to identify, avoid and protect yourself from falling victim to remote access scams. Here are a few handy tips.

Remember to:

  • Keep your computer up-to-date with a good firewall, antivirus software and regular software updates.

  • Not download software on your computer without doing your research on it before.

  • Never feel pressured into acting immediately.

  • Never provide personal information over the phone unless you are completely sure the caller is legitimate.

  • Trust your gut – if something feels off, chances are it probably is.