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BSB 704-191

Corporate Governance

Our Annual Reports contain everything you need to know about Bank First. The Annual Report contains the full financial results, while the Annual Review contains a summary of our overall performance in the year and our support for the Community.




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Bank First recognises and embraces the diverse skills, experience, backgrounds and perspectives people bring to our organisation, irrespective of gender.

In accordance with the requirements of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, we lodge an annual compliance report with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

This year, WGEA has published the gender pay gaps for every Australian company with 100 or more employees. This is the first time the gender pay gap, gender composition and remuneration for individual companies will be publicly available. Bank First has lodged our findings and a statement regarding our commitment to workplace gender equality and in closing the gender pay gap.


Modern slavery is a widespread violation of human rights, where vulnerable people are exploited by others for personal or commercial gain. Despite increasing awareness, the number of people trapped in slavery is increasing. Today an estimated 40 million people are enslaved globally, with approximately 40,000 enslaved in Australia. Forced labour and related practices exist in the operations or supply chains of many businesses. Whilst developed countries often have lower rates of slavery, they are at a higher risk of contributing to modern slavery through international trade and business partnerships.

Bank First is committed to reduce and hopefully eliminate, modern slavery from our supply networks and operations. We view this as an important component of our broader corporate social responsibility and human rights obligations.

We have in place policies and processes in relation to workplace rights, risk assessments and due diligence to help identify, prevent and remediate modern slavery in our supply networks.

Our modern slavery risk assessment for financial year 2023/2024 identified some sector, industry, product, service and entity risks in relation to our operations and supply networks. Bank First’s overall risk profile remains relatively low and in line with other similar organisations in the financial services sector.

Our Modern Slavery Statement 2023/2024 provides information about our risk assessment and the specific actions we’re taking to address modern slavery risk.


Codes and Procedures

Read Bank First Codes and Procedures.