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BSB 704-191

Supporting principals to learn and lead


The Victorian Principals Association (VPA) Study Award supports principals to keep learning and innovating.  

In 2022, Simon McGlade received this honour from VPA. His study tour focused on implementing the IDEAS model (Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievements in Schools) at Mackellar Primary School.  

Simon initially prepared a 'report card' to evaluate the current state of Mackellar Primary School currently. Following this, all staff collaborated on a new vision: empowering global citizens. The primary focus of Simon's study tour was learning how to sustain the positive changes that IDEAS facilitated.   

During his tour, Simon found that each school was working on realising a new vision of their own. "Seeing how other principals were navigating these changes was a significant growth experience for me”. He found that involving staff in the change process led to “coherence and commonality,” making collaborative efforts more effective and ensuring that it was embraced at all levels to withstand future staff changes.  

"Thank you, Bank First and VPA, for this incredible opportunity. Meeting with schools in Western Australia and South Australia was eye-opening, and bringing those insights back to my team has been invaluable".  

Proudly sponsored by Bank First since 2017, the Victorian Principals Association Study Award represents a commitment to nurturing the professional growth of educators, creating opportunities to inspire and lead communities.   

Bank First was founded by teachers, for teachers, over 50 years ago. As a former school principal, Bank First Chair Bernie Lloyd praised the resilience and adaptability principals display in an often-challenging role. "Once you've run a school, you can do anything”  

CEO Michelle Bagnall emphasised Bank First’s commitment to supporting educators. "We continue to hold our legacy close to our heart as we support the next generation of teachers, nurses and care workers. It’s a responsibility we take very seriously".  

Bank First invests back into education communities through donations, scholarships and awards. Our dedication in this space ensures that educators are not just equipped for today’s challenges but are also shaping the future of education. 

Applications for the 2024 VPA Study Award are open now. Learn more.

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