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BSB 704-191

Fueling minds at lunchtime

When the bell strikes for lunch, most kids can’t get out of class fast enough. But for a growing number of Australian schoolchildren, it can be a time of worry and comparison. 

Food insecurity has a profound impact on student learning. When kids don’t have filling, nutritious meals, attendance and attention levels suffer. That’s why Bec Spink, Wirrigirri Primary School Principal, is launching a school lunch program to ensure that every student can learn at their full potential.  

After receiving the Bank First Victorian Principals Association Study Award in 2024, Bec travelled to schools in Finland and Sweden for a study tour. ‘The goal was to think differently about how I could approach education at Wirrigirri Primary School. Not only in teaching and learning but also in taking a holistic approach to student wellbeing.’ 

For Bec, Scandinavia’s focus on equity made the choice of her study tour destination an easy one:

‘It was important for me to look outside the box. Finland and Sweden are celebrated for their equitable approach to education. A key focus was seeing how equitable access to food can support wellbeing and learning outcomes.’ 

Once the program goes live in September, every Wirrigirri Primary School student will have access to a nutritious lunch each day. ‘Research shows that students who have nutritious meals everyday have better outcomes with their mental health, general wellbeing and learning.’ 

The program will be available for every student, with the aim of removing stigma around food insecurity – a growing issue across schools. ‘We want the program to be universal, so there’s no stigma attached. This is a program for everyone.’  

Better nutrition for less. 

Bec found that food with little nutritional value can have a negative impact on student learning and stamina throughout the school day. ‘Cost of living pressures really affect what parents can put in lunchboxes. When parents are under financial pressure, many opt for processed foods with no nutritional value.’  

Preparing meals in bulk means that ‘through the program, we’re able to provide a nutritious lunch for a lower cost than a parent could.’ 

For Bec, education has opened a world of opportunities, and she wants the same for her students. ‘I didn’t love school when I was little, it was only when I matured that I appreciated how powerful education is.’ 

‘I see school as a community hub. One thing that brings people of cultures and experiences together is food. I want it to be a joyful experience for our children.’ 

At Bank First, we’re proud to support educators like Bec with the ‘extra boost’ they need to make innovative ideas a reality.  

Who backs educators making change? Bank First. That’s who. 

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